
About Us

While travelling in Indonesia we were struck by the number of talented artists and craftspeople we met who were making beautiful and unusual work. It struck us that we didn't see any of these items in Australia, just the usual "trendy" stuff that you see in lots of homewares shops. 

Over dinner and a few drinks that evening, Cool Weird Wonderful was born. We both love unusual and colourful items and figured that we couldn't be the only ones, so thought we would have a go at sourcing some items to offer to the Australian market.

We are a small business based in regional Victoria, specialising in sourcing unusual handmade items from around the world to add colour and life to your surroundings. All items we stock are handmade by talented craftspeople. 

We like to support our artists in making a decent living so wherever possible we deal directly with them and pay a fair price for their work. All items are ethically produced.

To find out more about the artists and craftspeople we work with, click here.

This is a new business for us and we will be building it up over time, adding new artists and items as we go along. If there is something you are looking for, get in contact with us. The more we know about our customers and what they like the better.

Kate and Aaron.    


Our Charity Partners

Part of our business philosophy is to give back and help to support people and causes in the communities our artists come from.

$2.00 from every item sold (of $30 value or more) will be donated to our charity partners.

For items sourced from our artists and craftspeople in Bali, donations are made to Goddess Kitchen, a 100% non-profit organisation that makes and distributes food and other fundamental necessities to vulnerable women and girls on the island of Bali.

To learn more about Goddess Kitchen’s excellent work, visit www.goddesskitchen.org

For items sourced from India, donations are made to India Partners, who among other projects, empower poor women in slum areas and rural villages with valuable sewing skills and a sewing machine so they can earn a respectable living and help their families.

To learn more about India Partners’ excellent work, visit: www.indiapartners.org/my-partnerships/women-empowerment

For items sourced within Australia, we donate to Bush Heritage Australia independent not-for-profit that buys and manages land, and partners with Aboriginal people, so we can protect our irreplaceable landscapes and our magnificent native species forever.

To learn more about Bush Heritage Australia’s important work, visit www.bushheritage.org.au

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